Sunday, May 3, 2009


Nothing much to report this weekend. It's been raining pretty steady and when we did get a few hours of sun, I had to mow the lawn and started clearing some of the overgrowth from the rest of our property that lies across the brook. Looks like the town may actually be close to fixing the brook -- hauling away all the old cement and rubble and stabilizing the banks to stop the erosion. So I figure it might be a good time to get things cleared over there in preparation for possibly having our access restored. Plenty of room over there for a 3-bin composter, a few more raised beds and maybe some other things.

Speaking of the brook, I decided to name our garden "Gastonbrook Farm" since the brook that runs through the back of our property is called Gaston Brook (I just found out it's official name while talking to the borough engineer at the council meeting.)


  1. Rain held off here and I was able to drag a rake between the rows on my Big Dirt Garden. Almost ready to put down straw mulch between the rows. I think my Swiss Chard came up singly. Beets is the only thing that I know which comes up in multiples from one of those funky little groups of seeds. Back to blogging for a little bit this evening.

  2. I guess you guys are getting the rain we had all weekend. Half our town had power outages after winds of 60 mph +. How are you liking your composter?


  3. It is still raining here. Haven't seen the sun since Saturday. So far, so good with the composter. It'll do until I reclaim some space for a 3-bin number. I was digging in it yesterday and there was a bit of steam, so something must be happening in there.
